Monday, July 18, 2011

Dressing in our Sunday Best

Today was Sunday, and I guess it is okay to be blogging right now because the Sabbath is over! (although I should really get to bed...) Anyhow, my little 7 year old came in and announced very joyfully that he had actually dressed himself just right for Sunday. He looked great from where I was standing in the kitchen, but when he turned around I discovered that somehow he had actually put his white, button-up shirt on completely wrong side out. He had even done up the buttons. When I inquired as to how he accomplished such a feat, he replied, "I guess that is just the magic of Tommy. Are you impressed?"

Yes, Tommy. Your mother is impressed.

Also, notice the beautiful green apple sculpture that he has created whilst waiting for Mom to come downstairs. This particular piece of art was created using a strawberry stem picker and a melon baller. What a way to repurpose kitchen tools that would otherwise be what the immortal Alton Brown calls "unitaskers." Tommy, you are a pioneer.

Maybe someday I'll start a fashion magazine based on the quirky, whimsical sense of style that children imbue into the world. I would include their recipes, art, fashion, and feature their writing in articles. We could call it "Rogue" instead of "vogue" and then it would make sense that all the models look like a 5 year old applied their makeup.

So, as you can see, with that last musing I think it is finally time for me to sign off and go catch some sleep before my minions awake and begin to do damage with the new juicer in the kitchen before I have a chance to get up for the day.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Are dream dictionaries really true?

So last night I had a very troubling dream. I dreamed my little Liliana (age 22 mos.) was asleep in her father's arms at the side of a pool. I was swimming in it with my boys and my husband put my sleeping daughter on the side of the pool and was visiting with his brother (I guess the whole family was at the pool???) Anyhow, she rolled over and woke up. She didn't fall into the pool, she saw that everyone else was jumping into the pool so she dived in and promptly sank. I was terrified and tried to swim after her and couldn't get to her. I woke up before there was any resolution to the dream.

I was busy telling my husband about this dream just this morning when he looked up the significance of drowning in some dream dictionary. Apparently I means that I feel I'm losing control of my daughter (which is true because she is definitely exerting her independence...) So, while he was busy telling me this, she walked into the room with her hair all wild (because she had removed the ponytail) and she had colored all over her face, hands, and legs with black permanent marker. She just smiled at me and said, "Hello."

Yes, I'm definitely losing control. However, I may have a Picasso on my hands.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Love for others

So, one of the big struggles I have as a mother of "special" kids is to help them feel compassion for others. It is hard for them to see that often what they want isn't what is good for everyone, and there is a time and place to be able to compromise. We have had family in town, and I have noticed that perhaps this something that all families struggle with.

Anyhow, tonight I had an epiphany. I was checking the weather forecast in Hawaii just for fun. They will have rain for the next few days. I actually caught myself saying, "serves them right because I'm stuck in UT."

Maybe I need to work on my compassion too.